The BHEF Insta-Grant Program is designed to broaden the impact of the BHEF mission to enhance the educational experience of all children within the Byram Hills Central School District, and to serve as a catalyst for new ideas for annual grants written by teachers and administrators.
BHEF Insta-Grants provide teachers and administrators with funding for short-term educational programs. Insta-Grants may fund speakers, workshops, class trips, author visits, or other programs that impact learning and personal or professional development.
Insta-Grant awards may not exceed $3,500, and these grants must be implemented within six (6) months or before the end of the academic year. By comparison, traditional grants are awarded once per year, with implementation over a two-year period. For all grants, any unused or under-spent funds are returned to the BHEF.
Our students are benefiting from Insta-Grants EVERY day...
❏ Alternative Seating & Learning
❏ A Greenhouse
❏ Podcasting Equipment
❏ Solar Telescope
❏ Art & Music Workshops
❏ Learning about Wolves Field Trip
❏ Buddy Bench
Explore our Insta-Grants and more – CLICK HERE to see all our grants!