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Please consider becoming a member of 

BHEF Leadership Circle today.

All giving levels recognize you as a leader in the community and offer unique benefits.


Founders Circle ($10,000+) includes a personalized donor experience, plus all the benefits of the other giving levels, two tickets to our Spring Bash, two VIP tickets to the Wizards, and two additional tickets for your guests at an event of your choice!

Superintendents Circle ($5,000+) includes a personalized donor experience, plus all the benefits of the other giving levels, two tickets to our Spring Bash, two Wizards tickets, and additional invitation-only events with Dr. Lamia and school principals.

Principals Circle ($2,500+) includes unique engagement opportunities with the BHEF and district leadership, two tickets to our Spring Bash and invitation-only events with Dr. Lamia and school principals.

Benefactor Circle ($1,500+) includes two tickets to our Spring Bash and an invitation-only event with Dr. Jen Lamia and school principals.


Bobcat Circle ($750+) includes insider access to grant information, special events and recognition as a Bobcat donor.


Click HERE to join a BHEF Leadership Circle!

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